Excellent piece. I often wonder the same thing too, though not specifically about living in the Somme. The idea of wanting to know if you have what it takes is fundamental to being a man, and we’re denied that at every opportunity now. And so to the question of whether I’d actually prefer to live in a past time, if I would given the opportunity, I err on the side of “No,” as tempting as that would be. Knowing what I know now, despite utterly despising living now, the most retarded of all possible timelines, knowing that it would be my progeny who’d have to suffer is what gives me pause. I wouldn’t wish Clown World on anybody, and I’d never be able to repent of being a part of its creation. Better to live in it and help create something better, than to be a generation looked upon as the architect of the Age of Retardation.

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My thing is, the fact that it's not a slamdunk decision is the biggest indictment of all. I put out a poll on Twitter and it's close

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I’m not surprised. Even for me personally, it’s not a slam-dunk decision. It’s about 55-45.

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I don’t know about the Somme, but I’d I didn’t have kids I’d go back to Afghanistan or Iraq in a heartbeat.

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